Term 4 Week 1 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 5th October, 2020.
WALT – Recognise life cycles – Melbourne Zoo Webinar
ACTIVITY – Today we are participating in a Melbourne Zoo Webinar about Life Cycles!
Instructions to students / parents.
Step 1. When it's 11:55pm on Tuesday 6th October, join the webinar, open this link - https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/onstage/g.php?MTID=e12ce9c8b1dab69ca5fa3c00c2d75d9c1
Step 2. On the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see 'Join Event Now'. Write your details, the school's email and password:
* First Name -
* Last Name -
* Email address - chandler.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au (Not yours)
* Password - zoo2020
Step 3. Click the blue 'Join Now' button (or press 'Join by Browser' if the app is not available to you)
What else teachers/adults should know
* Your webinar room will open 10 minutes before the scheduled start time to assist you with tech support
* Participant mic and video will be turned off
* Students can communicate with Zoo Teachers by typing in the Q&A. Zoo teachers will be the only one who can see your students' messages.
* Students who log in on the Webex Meeting app (phone or tablet) will see themselves as their teacher's name but can still participate as an individual.
Step 4. Meet me for a chat after the session. (Approximately 12:30pm)
165 093 2659
Term 3 Week 9 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 14th September, 2020
WALT – Recognise that plants are living things too.
1. Discussion. Plants are alive. Many plants are edible. Plants have parts. Types of plants.
2. Read together ‘What is a Plant?’
3. What is a plant? Video
4. Students complete the worksheet about plants. If they cannot print it they can do the work in their books.
Term 3 Week 8 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 7th September, 2020.
WALT – Identify characteristics and behaviour of animals.
ACTIVITY – 1. Discuss terms ‘have’ (physical features), eat and can ‘behaviour’.
2.Students choose an animal and complete a chart for the animal using the example shown during the Webex.
Term 3 Week 7 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 31st of August, 2020.
A Trip To The Zoo
Today we're off to the Zoo. Students are to use the Melbourne Zoo website to take a virtual tour of at least one of the three zoos. They can also join the keeper talks and watch live animal cameras learning about different animals.
Animals At Home Page
Melbourne Zoo Virtual Tour
Werribee Open Range Zoo Tour
Healesville Santuary (Australian Animals)
Keeper Talks
Virtual animal encounters
Giraffes and Platypus
Live Animal Cameras
Snow Leopards
Meerkats and many more.
Term 3 Week 6 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 24th of August, 2020.
WALT – Understand that most animals reproduce. There are names for baby animals.
1. Students go onto Seesaw to match the names of the adult animals to the names of their baby.
2. Match parent and baby
Term 3 Week 3 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 17th of August, 2020.
WALT – Identifying the needs of animals.
1. Discussion. What do animals need?
Do different animals need different things?
Do pets need different things to wild animals?
​2. Read together ‘Do all animals have the same needs? – 1.’
3. Explain the questions on ‘Do all animals have the same needs? – 2.’ Student do the sheet. If they have no access to a printer they can do the answers in their books.
Term 3 Week 3 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 3rd of August, 2020.
WALT – Identifying and label physical features.
ACTIVITY – 1. Watch the videos about Elephants and Giraffes.
​2. Students use information in the videos and on the sheet to label the physical features of the animals.
Term 3 Week 3 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 27th of July, 2020.
Curriculum Day
Term 3 Week 2 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 27th of July, 2020.
WALT – Identify physical features.
ACTIVITY – Physical Features
1. Watch the video about animals that have a Winter Coat
2. ​Students do a physical feature sort.
Choose two physical features such as: a shell, scales, wings, hooves, a tail, fur, claws, etc. Write the feature at the top of the page and then draw and label animals that have that feature. For example if my feature is wings I could draw, types of birds, bats, butterflies, bees, etc. Another example could be animals that have fur. I could draw a polar bear, fox, tiger, etc.
Term 3 Week 1 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 20th of July, 2020.
WALT: Identify the physical features of different animals.
Task: Physical Features
1. Watch the video about physical features.
2. Students draw a picture of themselves or stick a picture of themselves in their books. They label the physical features they have.
3. Students draw a picture of an animal of their choice or stick a picture of an animal in their books. They label the physical features the animal has.