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Term 4 Week 1 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 5th of October, 2020.


Grade 3 – Wednesday 12pm

Meeting Number:       165 969 9426

Password:                   grade3


Grade 4 – Wednesday 1pm

Meeting Number:       165 574 2599

Password:                   grade4


WALT – Use our knowledge to order and label the Solar System.


ACTIVITY – Students use information that they have learnt to correctly order the Solar System.

Extra Instructions: The Sun should be larger than the planets. Jupiter should be the largest planet. Colours of the planets should be accurate. Labels under the planets.





Term 3 Week 9 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 14th of September, 2020.


WALT – Use our knowledge to draw an accurate diagram of the Solar System.


ACTIVITY – Students use information that they have learnt to draw diagram (a poster) of the Solar System.


See Instruction Video



The poster needs to have the main features of the Solar System. Including planets and the Sun. The drawing obviously cannot be drawn to scale, however the planets and the Sun need to be sized in order. For example the Sun should be larger than the planets. Jupiter should be the largest planet. Colours of the planets should be accurate.

Other things that could be drawn and labelled are the orbit of the planets. Facts and figures.




Term 3 Week 8 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 7th of September, 2020.


WALT – Research reliable information about space and about travelling to space.


ACTIVITY – Students either download the NASA app or use the NASA web site. Student need to spend at least half an hour looking at things they are interested in on the NASA sites. They can read, watch videos, play the games etc in order to find their facts.


They then write 5 facts about anything to do with space, space travel, etc.




Term 3 Week 7 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 31st of August, 2020.


WALT – How does the position of Earth to the Sun control the Seasons?



1. Watch the videos.

Why are there Seasons?


Seasons and the Sun


2. Why do we have days, nights, years and Seasons- 1?

Students read the information on the work ‘Why do we have days, nights, years and Seasons – 1?’  Use the information to answer the questions on ‘Why do we have days, nights, years and Seasons - 2’ in your science books.






Term 3 Week 6 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 24th of August, 2020.


WALT – Learn about the International Space Station




1. Watch the video, ‘What is the ISS?’


2. Watch the video, ‘Tour the ISS’.



Term 3 Week 5 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 17th of August, 2020.


WALT – Understand what gravity is.


ACTIVITY – 1. Watch videos.


Defining Gravity


2. Students read and complete the activities on the worksheet ‘What is Gravity?’ in your science books.






Term 3 Week 4 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 10th of August, 2020.


Curriculum Day




Term 3 Week 3 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 3rd of August, 2020.


WALT – Begin to understand what Space is?



1. Read ‘What is space’ Story?


2. Students read the information on the worksheet ‘What is Space?’  Use the information to answer the questions on the sheet in your science books.



Looking Into Space page 3.







Term 3 Week 2 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 27th of July, 2020.


WALT – Begin to understand what is in Space that we can see from Earth.




1. Watch all / some of the video below from Crash Course Kids.



2. Students read the information on the worksheet ‘What are some objects we can see from Earth - 1’. 

Use the information to answer the questions on ‘What are some objects we can see from Earth - 2’ in your science books.







Term 3 Week 1 Remote Learning - Week beginning Monday 20th of July, 2020.


TASK: Space and the Solar System Pre-Test




This task is a pre-test and is to be complete by you alone and without using technology. It is to find out what you know at the moment. You can ask a parent or teacher to explain the task but they cannot tell you what to draw or write. The more you add and label shows me what you know. Once completed, please stick the sheets into your book.


There are 3 parts to the task:


1. DRAW and LABEL the Solar System. Think about the sizes and colours. If you think something moves, show motion with the use of arrows or provide short explanations.


2. DRAW and LABEL how day and night happens. Think about the sizes and colours. If something moves show motion with the use of arrows or provide short explanations.


3. DRAW and LABEL how the Seasons happen. Think about the sizes and colours. If something moves show motion with the use of arrows or provide short explanations.







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